Important Notice!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beware of Fraudulent Websites Offering Fake Discounts on Our Products !!!
Dear Valued Customers,
We hope this message finds you well. It has come to our attention that several fraudulent websites are falsely advertising discounted rates on our products. We want to alert you to these deceptive practices to ensure that you do not fall victim to scams. These fraudulent websites often mimic the appearance of our official site and offer unrealistically low prices on our products. Please be aware that these offers are not legitimate, and any transactions made through these websites may result in financial loss and a potential breach of your personal information. At Bixby Designs, your trust and satisfaction are our top priorities and we are committed to maintaining the integrity of our products by ensuring a safe shopping experience for our customers. Thank you for your continued support and vigilance in protecting yourself and others from these online scams. Please be assured that the official site is completely safe and secure! Thank you Barbara
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